
If you don't have shell access to the server, you can still run gw with the crontab.

Note: this will disable some advanced functions like webhooks. Only use this if you cannot use any other solution.

Usage #

There is a --once flag in gw, that checks the repository for updates and then exits. You can use this to pair with your own scheduled runner to pull for changes manually. Simply open your crontab:

crontab -e

...and add a new line with your gw script. You can use * * * * * to run it every minute, but you can use more advanced patterns as well (see For the command, make sure to specify --once to avoid running continuously and add --quiet so it will only print on a failure:

* * * * * gw /path/to/repo --once --quiet

Warning: Cronjobs are known to be error-prone and hard to debug, so make sure to test this solution extensively before relying on this in the real world.